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Strategic Solutions for Meaningful Change.

At Anavi Strategies, we specialize in crafting and integrating customized strategies that resonate with your mission to implement and amplify your impact in your community.

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Our Services

Our approach combines meticulous strategic planning with empathetic engagement, evaluating and aligning not just the data but the organization itself to co-create a cohesive, dynamic mechanism for sustainable impact.

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Strategic Planning
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Program Design

  • Customized Frameworks: Our program designs are approached with clearly defined objectives, ensuring relevance, effectiveness, and alignment with your strategic goals.


  • People-Centered Approach: Empathy mapping, user research, and other people-centered approaches allow us to design programs that resonate with participants' experiences and address their needs holistically.


  • Culturally Relevant Solutions: We ensure the programs developed are culturally sensitive and inclusive, and they consider diverse perspectives while fostering equitable access and participation.


  • Evidence-Based Practices: We actively integrate best practices and emerging research findings into program design, leveraging data to inform effective interventions.


  • Logic Model Development: We establish a clear logic model outlining program inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes, ensuring clarity and measurability of impact.

Woman looking at a whiteboard with several charts taped to it
Top down view of a desk covered in papers with 6 people looking at them
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Strategic Planning

  • Comprehensive Analysis: We conduct thorough assessments of the current state including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to success.


  • Clarifying Vision and Mission: We help to articulate a clear and compelling vision for the future and define a mission that aligns with your core values and objectives, particularly emphasizing social impact and inclusive community development.


  • Goal Setting and Objective Formulation: We will collaboratively identify specific, measurable goals and objectives that both resonate with your mission and vision, and that are achievable and impactful.


  • Actionable Implementation Plans: We will design detailed implementation plans that outline the steps, timelines, responsibilities, and resources required to execute the strategies effectively for long-term sustainability and success.


  • Ongoing Monitoring and Adaptive Evaluation: We establish clear metrics for success and propose strategies for continuously monitoring those metrics, allowing for adaptive changes and improvements.

Program Design
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Implementation Support

  • Change Management: We guide stakeholders through organizational changes with minimal disruption, building internal buy-in and ensuring smooth program roll-out.


  • Capacity Building: We equip program staff with the knowledge and resources needed for successful delivery, fostering sustained program effectiveness and growth.


  • Data-Driven Practices: Utilizing comprehensive data and feedback, we optimize resource allocation and maximize impact within budget constraints.


  • Collaborative Communication & Transparency: We foster open communication and collaboration among stakeholders, promoting transparency and addressing challenges effectively.


  • Continuous Improvement & Adaptability: We consistently monitor progress, gather feedback, and make data-driven adjustments to ensure program adaptation and ongoing success.

Implementation Support
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Evaluation Services

  • Mixed-Method & Equity-Focused Approach: We integrate mixed methods - including participatory evaluation - to ensure we are elevating and addressing how previous policy and investment choices have impacted historically marginalized communities and to identify what is needed to close racial, gender, and other social disparities.


  • Disaggregated Data Analysis & Reporting: We evaluate the data through diverse demographics to identify potential inequities and ensure equitable program benefits, facilitating data-driven decision-making.


  • Collaborative Learning: We present evaluation findings through workshops and reports, collaborating with stakeholders to interpret results and identify actionable insights.


  • Impact Measurement: We create robust frameworks to measure program impact and attribute changes to program interventions, providing clear evidence of effectiveness.


  • Continuous Improvement: We help utilize evaluation findings to guide program improvement, inform future endeavors, and promote continuous learning and growth within the organization and community.

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Evaluation Services

At Anavi Strategies, we pride ourselves on offering services meticulously tailored to the unique needs, goals, and aspirations of each client organization. Our bespoke approach ensures that every strategy and solution we provide is not only aligned with our clients' missions but also designed to propel them towards achieving their most ambitious objectives with precision and impact.

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Reach out if you're ready for our approach of combining meticulous strategic planning with empathetic engagement, evaluating and aligning not just the data but an organization itself to co-create a cohesive, dynamic mechanism for sustainable impact.



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